How to pop the history stack (URL) when using programmatic page change?

How to pop the history stack (URL) when using programmatic page change?

I have a multipage setup with a 'page depth' like this:

Page 0
      Page 1
            Page 11
            Page 12
            Page 13

If I walk thru the pages in the same order but in different ways then the outcome is different depending on using 'a href' or $.mobile.navigate.

I perform this walk: Page 0 -> Page 1 -> Page 11 -> Page 1 -> Page 12 -> Page 1 -> Page 13.

If I use 'a href' to navigate between the pages and then go backwards using history.back() from Page 13, then I get this path: Page 13 ->  Page 1 -> Page 0

If I use $.mobile.navigate to navigate between the pages and then going backwards using history.back() from Page 13, then I get this path: Page 13 ->  Page 1 -> Page 12 ->  Page 1 -> Page 11 ->  Page 1 -> Page 0.

Is there a way to pop the history stack when using $.mobile.navigate?

Kindly regards