How to return an array object from each()?

How to return an array object from each()?

I'm currently trying to build an array from an Ajax request, creating
a new object for each item in the query. Here's the code:
    function ajaxMenu(whatTab){
        // retrieve the xml playlist
            var id = 0;
            var title = '';
            // start menu
         var playlist = new Array();
            // load the xml and run a foreach loop
                type: "GET",
                url: srcUrl+"playlist.xml",
                dataType: "xml",
                success: function(xml) {
                            findTab = $(this).find('id').text();
                            if(findTab != whatTab){
                                return true;
                            else {
                                var i = '0';
                                    // Grab all details
                                    title = $(this).find('title').text();
                                    type = $(this).find('type').text();
                                    file = $(this).find('file').text();
                                    qt = $(this).find('qt').text();
                                    wmv = $(this).find('wmv').text();
                                    content = $(this).find('content').text();
                                    thumbnail = $(this).find('thumbnail').text();
                                    // Establish playlist item and add link
                                    playlist[index] = new Object();
                                    playlist[index]['id']     = index;
                                    playlist[index]['title'] = title;
                                    playlist[index]['type'] = type;
                                    playlist[index]['file'] = file;
                                    playlist[index]['qt']     = qt;
                                    playlist[index]['wmv']     = wmv;
                                    playlist[index]['content']        = content;
                                    playlist[index]['thumbnail']     = thumbnail;
                            return false;     // speed fix, ends once correct tab found
                        }); // end each
                } // end success
            }); // end $.ajax
            // end menu
        }); // end document ready
This function builds a menu from the items in a playlist, but at the
same time I want to store the data in a global array to be used at any
time, until it is overwritten when a new menu is created.
How would I go about this?
Any help will be most appreciated!