How to set jQuery maskMoney plugin maximum limit?
I was trying to use jQuery maskMoney plugin recently. and trying to set the input mask maximum value. I found I have trouble to set maximum value for negative and positive input.
Here is my code:
- $('#<%=TextBox1.ClientID%>').attr('maxlength', 8).maskMoney({prefix:'$',thousands:',',precision:0, allowNegative:true,'placeholder':''});
You can see from my code that the input can take negative value. Only 6 digital number is allowed for input. So I set 'maxlength' to 8, which means '$999,999' is the maximum value for positive value. Then I found if the value is negative, it can only take 5 digital number like this: '-$99,999', which is not what I wanted(I want 6 digital number, no matter positive or negative).
So what should I do to meet the requirement?
Please help me. Thanks.