how to set tinyscrollbar to scroll:false in overlay

how to set tinyscrollbar to scroll:false in overlay

Invoking an overlay within a scrollable area.  Using tinyscrollbar plugin ( ) and, when the overlay is invoked, I want to set the scroll option in tinyscrollbar to false.  This is the script in the header:

  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2.     $(document).ready(function () {
  3.         $('#scrollbar2').tinyscrollbar({ scroll: true });
  4.     });
  5. </script>

This is the overlay script:
  1.     $(document).ready(function () {
  2.         $("img[rel]").overlay({
  3.             onBeforeLoad: function (event) {
  4.                 $('#scrollbar2').tinyscrollbar({ scroll: false });
  5.              },
  6.             onClose: function (event) {
  7.                 $('#scrollbar2').tinyscrollbar({ scroll: true});
  8.              }
  9.         });
  10.     });
As you can see, in onBeforeLoad, I try to set the scroll to false and onClose set it back to true, but these are ignored.  Kinda new to jquery, so not sure how to change these options dynamically.  Tried call to tinyscrollbar_update() after setting scroll option but that didn't have any effect.  Not sure how to do this...