How to start implement QUnit
Hi everyone,
I am new in the QUNit world and Im not English so apologise for any future mistakes XD
So my issue is:
I have an HTML page where I load a MediaPlayer.swf.
I'll post how my folders are organized:
MediaPlayer (folder)
- app
-- img
-- js
--- main.js
--- jquery.js
--- backbone.js
--- handlebar.js
--- qunit.js
-- styles
- MediaPlayer.html
- MediaPlayer.swf
so now what Im wondering is:
I want to test functions, views, etc that are in main.js and of course I dont want my test results to be showed in MediaPlayer.html but I would like to create a test.html page where I need to attach all my project and from there run my tests. I have not
understood how to implement all this, where shall I start from? and then How do I run those test when I want? Because for the moment what I have managed to do is testing my function in MedaPlayer.html and straight away once launched the page.
Thank youuuu