How to update status in a footer bar that is persistent across all pages?

How to update status in a footer bar that is persistent across all pages?

   Hi folks,

   I've got a persistent footer bar at the bottom of my pages, and I want to be able to update the "onlineIndicator" on any page. I realize that it's a no-no to use the same ID's for multiple elements. Can someone tell me what the best method would be to do this? I've got a function that updates the element,    but it does not update the status on pages other than the first page.

  1. $("#onlineIndicator").text("Status here");
  1. <div id="statusBar" data-role="footer" style="text-align:left;" data-id="myfooter" data-position="fixed" data-theme="b">
    Connectivity status:&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <span id="onlineIndicator"></span> </div>

   Thanks very much,
