I want to present my work

I want to present my work

I created many services, classes and functions which could be useful for some developer.
i would be deligthed, if someone would take a look at it, and send me feedback.
I wount stop to develop so far, because i just startet my life as worker few years ago,

Here you can see all my products:

the biggest product is definite my FancyFormular Class.
with this, you can easily style selectboxes, radioboxes and checkboxes.
buttons are not implemented yet, because just safari is preventing them for styling

the biggest after FancyFormular is FancyScroll, which replaces the scrollbar and allows you to set complete different styles for it.

Another good Work is the FancyPopup.
it creates a container and displays it on top of the page and prevent all other elements to be used ( in case of right z-index)
you can add a title, text / HTML and buttons to the popup.
if you dont want to, there is an option to disable the small close-button on the topper right side.
3 different themes are installed by default and it is very easy to install your own themes.

all this you can see on my homepage.
currentyl my homepage is in german. I don't know if i will change it to english or wwill add other languages

Greetings, Mephiztopheles