I want to write less and do more while creating sliders, but unfortunately I can't...
With your tagline being "Write less, do more" you really should make it so that sliders use aria values for their min, max and value attributes. There were at least 3 old projects I came across to fix this behavior, yet the stock implementation never even allowed for such. I have to literally create new JS to implement each slider I want to use. It's impractical. So, please, allow us to write less and do more by implementing common basic functionality that everyone expects to have at their disposal.
Just so you know, I tried the following and I can set the values for the slider as well as the max value, but when I try using this method to set the min value, I get issues (near a TODO in the code, mind you) telling me that "n" is not defined.
- /* Sliders */
$(function() {
range: true,
min: $(".slider-range").attr('aria-valuemin'),
max: $(".slider-range").attr('aria-valuemax'),
values: [ $(".slider-range").attr('aria-start'), $(".slider-range").attr('aria-end') ],
slide: function( event, ui ) {
$( "#amount" ).val( "$" + ui.values[ 0 ] + " - $" + ui.values[ 1 ] );
$( "#amount" ).val( "$" + $( ".slider-range" ).slider( "values", 0 ) +
" - $" + $( ".slider-range" ).slider( "values", 1 ) );
The Firebug error I get is:
TypeError: n is undefined
It's a reference to this code:
- _refresh: function() {
"aria-valuemin": this.options.min,
"aria-valuemax": this.options.max,
// TODO: what should we do with values that can't be parsed?
"aria-valuenow": this._parse( this.element.val() )
My forte' is PHP, not JS, but I know my way around well enough in JS. So, if you know of a temporary fix until you implement this feature, or you can clue me in as to what's causing this issue, I'd like to know.