ID .clone() Bug

ID .clone() Bug

I have a <ul> containing a list of links. Half of these links populate
a new list that replaces the list1. Before replacing list1, the script
clones list1 and pushes it onto a stack. When a back link is clicked
on list2 I pop list1 off the stack and add it back to the DOM. This
all works fine.
When I once again click the repopulating link in list1 to create
list2, IE7 returns this error:
"Breaking on JScript runtime error - 'nodeType' is null or not an
object" on line 1825 of the uncompressed jQuery 1.2.6.
The offending line in my code seems to be:
var currentList = $
( container ).children( '.hierSelectList' ).clone( true );
After the first click, when I get the error, the link will work
properly. The code works perfectly in FF3. I wasn't sure if I should
post here or in General Discussion so I appologize in advance if this
isn't the correct place.
-R.A. Ray