Idea for (Super Simple) Improvement to Event Object

Idea for (Super Simple) Improvement to Event Object

As a former MochiKit user I'm continually impressed by how well jQuery
does everything that MochiKit can do, only better. However, there is
one very minor convenience feature that MochiKit had that I miss: in
Mochikit's abstracted event object (ie. the thing your event handling
callbacks receive as an argument) there is a method, in addition to
preventDefault and stopPropagation, called simply "stop". All this
method does is invoke those two other methods, so it would be super-
easy to add it to jQuery. If we did, it would turn code like this:
function someCallback(event) {
in to this:
function someCallback(event) {
which (to me at least) seems a lot cleaner.
So ... what can I do to make this happen? Who decides whether
something like this gets added, and what can I do to convince them
that it's worth adding?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.