Ideas how to solve a web app game with level password protection

Ideas how to solve a web app game with level password protection

I am trying to develope a site where I would like to use in a game with different tasks. Approximately I will have 5-6 tasks for my teams and they can take around 40-60 minutes each to solve. I would like to get your ideas for a technical platform how I could start with it. 

Task 1 could be open and when that it finished a password or text is given.
That text could be a password to unlock the second task and so on. Every stage or level should be locked and text/password protected. 

The site does not have to imply any advanced password protection as I will let the teams and contestants use an iPhone all through the competition. 

Other good information is that it could include techically advanced tasks, like solving a puzzle that generates a QR code etc. However, my question is how I could start and could jQm help me? 
Does someone have some template or similar so that I does not have to start from scratch?