IE 6 & 7 reports incorrect CSS opacity values in jQuery 1.3.1

IE 6 & 7 reports incorrect CSS opacity values in jQuery 1.3.1

I've found that in IE 6 & 7, jQuery 1.3.1 seems to return incorrect
CSS opacity values for elements that have `filter: alpha(opacity=N);`
applied in a stylesheet.
However, elements with their opacity level set with a `style=""`
attribute, return the correct number.
Additionally elements with opacity set to `0` seem to return `1` in IE
6 & 7...
Here's a test case:
And another test using my patched version of jQuery 1.3.1:
Direct link to the patch:
I don't know, if this bug has been fixed or rejected.
My brief search came up empty.
Már Örlygsson