IE bug in carousel3d plugin on image click after ajax call

IE bug in carousel3d plugin on image click after ajax call

I have a IE bug in carousel3d plugin on image click animation after
ajax call. The ajax call return a new set of images html tags (like a
change level function), but only in internet explorer, when click on a
new image. The animation start and go back at it initial position.
here the link of my site -->
(to see the bug, click on Navigation - Guide and click on the
escalator icon...and after click on a image, you'll see what happen) I
used IE7.
Here a link to my carousel3d plugin (
) and here are my call function to change level.
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeLevel(floorLevelID) {
//remove carousel (free element from memory)
jQuery(function($) {
()).carousel3d( {control: 'buttons', speed:1, fadeEffect:1, textBox:1,
centerX: $('#carousel').offset().left + $('#carousel').width()/2.5,
centerY: 425, remove: 1 } );
$("#holder_images img").remove();
$("#carousel img").remove();
//Get the new html for holder_images tag.
url: "salon_virtuel_change_floor_level.php?floorID=" +
floorLevelID + "&tag=holder_images",
dataType: "html",
cache: false,
async: false,
success: function(html){
//Get the new html for carouselText tag.
url: "salon_virtuel_change_floor_level.php?floorID=" +
floorLevelID + "&tag=carouselText",
dataType: "html",
cache: false,
async: false,
success: function(html){
//Refresh the carousel
jQuery(function($) {
()).carousel3d( {control: 'buttons', speed:1, fadeEffect:1, textBox:1,
centerX: $('#carousel').offset().left + $('#carousel').width()/2.5,
centerY: 425 } );
//close menu after changing floor Level
If anyone can help me has soon as possible, I will really appreciate
Thank you very much in advance for your help.