IE problem with Ajaxcall

IE problem with Ajaxcall

I am generating JSon from php, values are returned from mysql
database, it works fine with FF but IE just dont read the values, i
ran the page on the IE it does shows that data but when i call it
through ajax its empty... i have tried many things nothing works, if i
put static values in the getjson.php page like
it works fine.. any help ??? for what i am doing wrong with dynamic
data ?
ajax call
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
            "getdateJSon.php", {gender: Usex, minage: Uminage, maxage: Umaxage,
zip: Uzip},
                $.each(data.userdata, function(i,user){
                    var name_text = user.pname;
                    var age_text =;
                    var place_text = user.pplace;
                    var state_text = user.pState;
                    var country_text = user.pCountry;
                    var hello_text = user.ptextdesc;
$nm = $row_RsGetDate['Username'];
$na = $row_RsGetDate['Userage'];
$np = $row_RsGetDate['Userplace'];
$ns = $row_RsGetDate['Userstate'];
$nc = $row_RsGetDate['Usercountry'];
$ntd = $row_RsGetDate['Usertextdesc'];
    $json = "{
        'userdata': [
    echo $json;
output from getjson.php
{ 'userdata': [ { 'pname':'Mikeala', 'page':'18', 'pplace':'New York',
'pState':'New York', 'pCountry':'United States of America',
'ptextdesc':'I like reading books, Travel, what about you ?' } ] }