IE6 death bug

IE6 death bug

Trying to do manipulate an element from within it can cause an error
in IE6. So this WONT work in IE6
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>


... but will in IE7 and 8. So 7 and 8 look more forgiving, but unlike
other major browsers if you try to manipulate the body before it's
closed, that won't work either. So this won't work in any version of
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>


I'm inclined to think 'fair enough' - the error message is quite
descriptive ("Unable to modify the parent container before the child
element is closed"), and the fix is quite easy: either move the script
or do it properly with a $(document).ready call.
However (and this is the problem): in either scenario IE6 has a
complete tizz, tells you it's aborting, blanks the page and then
claims you have 'network connectivity problems'.
It's not so much a jquery issue, but a fix might be to check that the
script is not a child of the element that's being modified. It's
probably not worth solving, but I leave it here as reference because
IE6 gives no clue as to why it has gone a bit mad.