IE7 crash manipulating DOM

IE7 crash manipulating DOM

I was hacking together a quick example of flipping between product
details for a commerce site I'm developing on and found a consistent
crash using IE7 (FF3.0.10 and Safari 3.2.2 have no problem).
I have two DIVs laid out identically, except for the text and image
content. The first DIV is displayed when the page loads, the second is
hidden (display: none). When I click on a graphic set up to display
DIV #2 everything is fine, when I click on it again to return to DIV
#1 the browser crashes. I'm guessing the problem lies with how I am
swapping the DIVs, but it seems odd the browser itself is completely
Here's my "DIV swap" snippet:
    $("#navLeft,#navRight").click(function() {
        $newProduct = $("#productDetail2");
        $newProduct = null;
#productDetail2 is the (initially) hidden DIV. Whichever DIV is
visible must have the ID #productDetail (due to other code links), so
I swap the IDs using $newProduct as an intermediary.
Am I specifically doing something wrong that's bad enough to justify
the browser completely bombing? Or did I uncover a(nother) flaw in
IE :)