IE8 bug (?) - slidetoggle -> disappearing margins (example included)

IE8 bug (?) - slidetoggle -> disappearing margins (example included)

I'm having the weirdest issue with IE8 (it works perfectly in all
other major browsers - even IE6).
URL to example:
What happens on this page?
on " span.slider" (upper right of each box) there is a click
eventhandler which slidetoggles ".box-content", and changes the status
image inside "span.slider".
What is going wrong in IE8?
in the IE8 viewport, when randomly slidetoggling a bit, you'll notice
that the bottom-margin of the clicked "" kinda disappears. When
you check the DOM though, it is still correct! (as it should, as we're
not even touching the css properties)
In all other browsers this is fully functional.
Another weird thing to add is when I use toggle() instead of
slideToggle(); I'm not getting this issue.
I wondered if this is an IE8 bug, or a jquery glitch, or something in
my code, and even more I'ld like to fix it.