IE8 & Safari Bug (both PC & iMac) FF 3.5.5 A.O.K. with jquery based resize/crop code

IE8 & Safari Bug (both PC & iMac) FF 3.5.5 A.O.K. with jquery based resize/crop code

I'm working with a bit of Google code -
- a nifty image scaling and cropping tool.
Unfortunately, it doesn't behave well on the PC in IE8 or Safari 4,
but it works fine Firefox 3.5.x on the PC. It also works fine Firefox
3.5.5 on my iMac, but again not in Safari 4.0
I have it installed here:
so you can see it running.
The problem exhibited is that the initial image is shrunk to a 20x20px
postage stamp instead of the expected 415x233px image the pre-loader/
callback function creates (found at the bottom of
jquery.photomanager.js and called from the middle of the
In IE 8 on the PC I get an "Unexpected call to method or property
Line: 733 Char: 9 -- this.appendChild(i); is the offending call; i is
an image object created as part of the pre-loader where this is found.
Safari doesn't error out, but it shows the same postage stamp sized
image - which I can't seem to make any bigger (but can make smaller).
I'm at a loss...