if your're using canvas , might as well use flexbox ??
I was just checking the support for
canvas and
flexbox , canvas i believe has slightly more support. The reason , i looked this up is because i was just using this plugin circliful
HERE , now if the circle is 200px in height the text in the circle will be centered vertically , by added line-height:200px to the element. thats how the text gets centered vertically.
My question is , if you are using canvas(the plugin code internally makes use of canvas) , you might as well use flexbox ? since canvas and flexbox both seem to have the same amount of support across browsers.
I think using flexbox in such a plugin would be ideal rather than a hacky solution like line-height , also flexbox would be more scalable incase you need to add more lines of text , also suppose say i wanna add a icon to the circle.
My question hence is , for a plugin of such a kind , would't it be ideal to use flexbox ? since the plugin itself uses canvas(which itself is supported in modern browsers !!) . ??
Thank you.