iframe body clone event in IE

iframe body clone event in IE

I filed a ticket (http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/4386) a couple of weeks
ago that hasn't gotten any response, and thought I might see if any of
you have any input on this bug. There is a test case at
Basically, the clone event does not work as expected in IE in jquery
1.3.2, but it does work in other browsers (verified in Firefox and
Chrome). In IE, it only clones the first child of the body, but if
you clone a child element, it performs as expected. Please see the
test case or ask questions if this is not clear.
It definitely has something to do with the code in the clone event
that is a workaround for IE, but I can't seem to figure it out on my
own. I have spent some time in the IE8 debugger (which is much
improved over the older versions, btw) but without much luck. I
appreciate any help.