Immunizing jQuery against enviroment changes

Immunizing jQuery against enviroment changes

I've thought about John's comment about trying to immunize jQuery
against hostile enviroments, especially changes to Object.prototype.
In that regard, whats wrong with the following code? I've tested in FF
with Firebug, and for now assume thats its pure JavaScript and will
therefore work in other browsers just as well (or not).
Object.tainted = function() {
    var i = 0;
    for (var key in {})
    return i != 0;
Object.prototype.each = function(fn) {
    var tainted = Object.tainted();
    for (var key in this) {
        if (!tainted || !Object.prototype[key]) {
            fn(key, this[key]);
function Obj() { = "foo";
Obj.prototype = { bar: "bar" };
var x = new Obj();
x.each(function(key, value) {
    console.log( key, value );
Its prints out "foo foo" and "bar bar", but not "each function()", as
its supposed to.
How is this applicable to jQuery? Consider moving the tainted()-check
to jQuery.each. To check itself runs just once for a full iteration,
and itself doesn't really do anything. The result is cached, so the
overhead in an untainted enviroment for each iteration is a single
boolean-check, which I assume is neglible. For tainted enviroments,
there is the overhead of checking if that property is defined on
I'm sure I've missed one or more drawbacks to that approach. Once that
is out the way, I'll try to run some performance tests. Though any
help with benchmarking is highly welcome.