Importing jQuery 1.4.1 into greasemonkey scripts generates an error

Importing jQuery 1.4.1 into greasemonkey scripts generates an error

Hi, I realise this is more of a glitch with greasemonkey rather than jQuery, but I thought I would post the info here anyway.

Greasemonkey has an API called @require which can import a javascript library when the userscript is installed.

Unfortunately the latest version of jQuery (1.4.1) seems to be incompatible.

The problem seems to be with "detecting-event-support-without-browser-sniffing" section around line 930. If you change
  1. var isSupported = (eventName in el);
  1. var isSupported = true;
it seems to import ok.

Again, I realise this isn't really a problem with jQuery so much as with perhaps Greasemonkey - I was just hoping you could maybe add a check to see if jQuery is being used in Greasemonkey. Maybe something like:
  1. if(GM_log) return true;