Improve Performance

Improve Performance

In the below Code takes too much of time for execute I don't know
did I made any mistake.
function chkLicense() {
var firstLicDD = '', secLicDD = '', ddLicValue = '', ddStateValue
= '';
var firstStateDD = '', SecStateDD = '';
var IsTwoDentLICandSTATEsame = false, firstDDIndex = null,
isLicenseNotSel = false;
var isStateNotSel = false, isTwoLICsameExceptDental = false;
var isDntlMedHaveAllState = false; isLicEmpty = false;
var $myTable = $('#Licenses tr');
$myTable.each(function(index) {
var LicNo = '', ddindex = '';
firstDDIndex = index;
if (index > 0) {
firstLicDD = $(this).find('td :DropDownList').eq(2).val();
/*For PA DropDown*/
//firstStateDD = $(this).find('td :DropDownList').eq
/*For Html DropDown*/
firstStateDD = $(this).find('td :DropDownList').eq(10).val
//if ((firstLicDD == 1) || (firstLicDD == 5)) {
if (({ 1: 1, 5: 1 })[firstLicDD]) {
if (firstStateDD == 0) {
isDntlMedHaveAllState = true;
//if (firstLicDD == '' || firstLicDD == null) {
if (firstLicDD == '' || firstLicDD == null) {
isLicenseNotSel = true;
if (firstStateDD == '' || firstStateDD == null) {
isStateNotSel = true;
LicNo = $(this).find("td").eq(2)[0].childNodes[0].value;
if (LicNo == '' || LicNo == null) {
isLicEmpty = true;
if (firstLicDD != "") {
$myTable.each(function(index) {
if (index > 0) {
secLicDD = '', SecStateDD = '';
secLicDD = $(this).find('td :DropDownList').eq
/*For PA DD*/
//SecStateDD = $(this).find
('td :DropDownList').eq(11).val();
/*For Html.DD*/
SecStateDD = $(this).find
('td :DropDownList').eq(10).val();
if (SecStateDD != '') {
for (var i = 0; i <= parseInt(SecStateDD)
+ 1; i++) {
/*For PA DD*/
//if ($(this).find('td :DropDownList')
[11][i].value == SecStateDD) {
/*For Html.DD*/
if ($(this).find('td :DropDownList')
[10][i].value == SecStateDD) {
ddindex = i;
if (secLicDD != "") {
if (firstDDIndex != index) {
if (firstLicDD == secLicDD) {
if ((firstLicDD == 1) && (secLicDD
== 1)) {
if ((secLicDD == 1) &&
(SecStateDD > 0)) {
/*For PA DD*/
//var ddSelectedText = $
(this).find('td :DropDownList')[11][ddindex].innerHTML;
/*For Html DD*/
var ddSelectedText = $
(this).find('td :DropDownList')[10][ddindex].innerHTML;
var Prvid = $
var stateCode =
var LicenseTypeID =
(Prvid, stateCode, LicenseTypeID);
if (SecStateDD != "") {
if (firstStateDD ==
SecStateDD) {

IsTwoDentLICandSTATEsame = true;
else {
isTwoLICsameExceptDental =
if (isStateNotSel || isLicenseNotSel || IsTwoDentLICandSTATEsame
|| isTwoLICsameExceptDental || isLicEmpty ||
isDntlMedHaveAllState) {
var message = ' ';
if (isLicenseNotSel) {
message += " Select Licence \n" + "<br/>";
if (isStateNotSel) {
message += " Select State" + "<br/>";
if (isDntlMedHaveAllState) {
message += "Dental and Medi-Caid License Type should not
have All State" + "<br/>";
if (isTwoLICsameExceptDental) {
message += "Two License Types should not be Same Except
Dental" + "<br/>";
if (IsTwoDentLICandSTATEsame) {
message += "Dental License Types should have unique state"
+ "<br/>";
if (isLicEmpty) {
message += "Enter License Number" + "<br/>";
return false;
else {
return true;
Thank You in Advance.