Improvements to jQuery's Trac installation?

Improvements to jQuery's Trac installation?

Reposted from jquery-en at the request of Dave Methvin:
Hey guys, I'm finding it really hard to use Trac to keep tabs on
jQuery development and the bugs I've filed. There are just a couple of
weird things about jQuery's instance of Trac that make things hard:
* I don't get emailed when tickets are updated. Maybe this problem is
limited to just me, but it makes it hard to give timely responses to
ticket comments.
* The "My Tickets" view doesn't seem to work. This means I can't
easily keep track of tickets I'm involved in.
* I can't modify tickets I've filed. This makes it hard for me to
close tickets I've filed incorrectly, fix mistakes in the ticket, etc.
I know everybody's busy working on 1.3, but I'd really appreciate it
if somebody could take a look and see if this stuff could be tweaked.

    • Topic Participants

    • brh