In JQM 1.4.5 and SPM what is the best event idiom for updating the page / adding handlers?

In JQM 1.4.5 and SPM what is the best event idiom for updating the page / adding handlers?

I *think* I understand the event flow, but I am curious what people think is the best way to perform operations on the page being loaded in "Single Page Mode" (SPM) ?  In general I am not caching pages, so I assume I could do it using "pagecreate".  But "pagecontainerchange" seems like a way to ensure thnigs get updated even when pressing "back".

Basically, just before a page the user is moving to is displayed, common actions to perform include:
  • adding event handlers (tap, click)
  • updating content
  • preserving state (when moving from page to page)
What's the best event to use to trigger these actions?

I also feel like I am asking this poorly, but I am not sure how else to ask!