Inconsistency between 1.3.2 and 1.4a

Inconsistency between 1.3.2 and 1.4a

Not sure if this merits a ticket because it ventures off into the
world of "things that people don't actually do," but I figured it was
at least worth a mention.
in jQuery 1.3.2
var foo = $("<div><span>foo</span></div>").parent() // returns a DIV
wrapped with jQuery, and accordingly
foo.find("span").length === 1;
in jQuery 1.4
var foo = $("<div><span>foo</span></div>").parent() // returns a
DocumentFragment wrapped with jQuery, and accordingly
foo.find("span").length === 0;
I'm not sure if this piques anyone else's attention like it did mine.
Getting to behave the same would require getting .find() to work
directly on DocumentFragments instead of their .contents(), which I am
less than sure is a priority.