Inconsistent behavior validating multiple remote and other type fields.

Inconsistent behavior validating multiple remote and other type fields.

Hi - we are using the validation plugin for a form with multiple fields.  3 of the fields use the "remote:" validation and 6 fields use 'maxlength:" or "digits" validation.  The behavior we desire is that we display error messages for all fields that have invalid input when the form is submitted.  What we are seeing in the case of multiple invalid inputs is that if I enter invalid data in a remote: type field, we see only the error message for that one field even though other fields are invalid as well, but if I enter invalid data in a non-remote: field we see error messages for all fields that have invalid data including the remote fields.  Is there some setting that will allow us to see both remote and other type field errors when entering invalid data in a remote field?   If not, what would be a good way to get around this?  Thanks!  I have attached the declaration of the rules/messages.