input text controls become disabled after upgrade to jqm 1.4 in some browsers

input text controls become disabled after upgrade to jqm 1.4 in some browsers

For some reason after I upgraded to 1.4  <input text controls became disabled only on one particular page, example below from View Page Source.
But this only happens in Chrome and IE 11 on Desktop, it works fine in all major mobile browsers and IE 10 on Desktop.
<div data-role="fieldcontain" class="ui-field-contain ui-body ui-br"> <label for="ITEM8barcode" class="ui-input-text">Bar Code</label> <div class="ui-input-text ui-shadow-inset ui-corner-all ui-btn-shadow ui-body-b"> <input name="ITEM8barcode" type="text" id="ITEM8barcode" class="dbcombo ui-input-text ui-body-b"> </div> </div>.

Switching back to 1.3.2 immediately fixes this.

Any ideas on what could be done to fix this to work with 1.4? 

Thank you