<insert plugin name> is not a function

<insert plugin name> is not a function

  1. (function($)
  2. {
  3.     // Gets to here
  4.     $(document).ready(function()
  5.     {
  6.         // Does not fire this!!
  7.         $.widget("ui.dropDownList", 
  8.         {
This is the basic problem, it seems the document ready fails to execute at some point, maybe I've overlooked something or some error that has ceased execution. All i know is that 1.3.1 works and 1.4.1 does not execute this. 

Things to note:
  • It does execute up until a certain point (that i have no idea where it stops firing the ready function)
  • Once it hits the fail point rest of the document ready's fail until the page loads (at this point you can add more document ready's and they will execute). For instance, i can execute the above script after the page loads and the widget will load.
Any insight into this would be great. Thanks.