Interface and Sortables with child content

Interface and Sortables with child content

I am trying to use interface to order thumbnails within a gallery.
The thumbnails are of different sizes and are IMG tags within LI tags
of fixed width/height to make everything look nice. Yes, they are
floating as well.
My issue is that I can drag a single thumbnail around, but I cannot
drop it anywhere. When I got rid of the LI tags and just used the IMG
as the sortable items, it works fine. However, displaywise, I really
want to have the LIs with child IMG tags.
The only examples I can find are dragging elements with no child
content. This previously worked with scriptaculous, but I want to get
away from using that for other reasons.
Blaine Garrett
p.s. here is my init function
<script type="text/javascript">
    function () {
                accept :         'sortableitem',
                helperclass :     'sorthelper',
                activeclass :     'sortableactive',
                hoverclass :     'sortablehover',
                opacity:         0.8,
                fx:                200,
                floats:            true,
                tolerance:        'fit'