Internet Explorer Version 4 (What)

Internet Explorer Version 4 (What)

I know, no one supports IE4 , let alone IE4 with jQuery . My sites do not give any JavaScript to IE5.5 and below in fact.

My issue is, I do have a few customers that use IE4 (I know, I know) and, just like IE5.x and other old devices, they get a fully-functional linear layout. The trouble is, simply by attaching jQuery, IE4 (only IE4) throws up syntax errors. I attach my own JavaScript (fairly comprehensive, name-spaced, object-oriented) and get no errors.

The IE4 issue does not cause any problems to functionality because everything I do is progressively enhanced. From a purist point of view, I find it annoying. I love jQuery but surely we can easily fix the issue at core for syntax errors (I mean to say, Your master is a JavaScript Ninja ).

 Perhaps a good test of any JavaScript is to make sure IE4 does not throw a wobblier simply by attaching libraries that have not yet been utilised. Not much to ask I hope.