Introduction to the group

Introduction to the group

Hi all,
I have been playing around with jQuery for the past year or so and
loving it. I find coding using the methodologies introduced by the
framework yummy..... but enough of that fluffy nonsense ... just
wanted to let you know that I am drinking the Kool-aid and it's tasty.
So why am I here ? I suppose I am here to contribute to the UI library
rather than just taking the code and playing around with it on my own
stuff which is all well and good but not particularly collaborative.
So now that I have got the hang of things I feel like I could make a
contribution of some time and thoughts to the group I am taking stuff
from :D
So all that said ... where do I go to sign up ... I work in eclipse so
if there are task repositories I can mylyn with, that would be magic.
Oh and whilst I am talking about Kool-aid ... i heart GIT .... and
thought I would add to the mix of git hearters.