IOS 8 Validatior enable is not defined

IOS 8 Validatior enable is not defined


We have a ASP.Net web application its mobile version is built using jQuery mobile (

Recently we faced a issue like for iPhone 6 users and for iPhone 5 users who upgraded to IOS8 version we are getting error like 'Validator Enable is not defined.'  in particular page.

In rest all the devices (android, iPhone4) our application works fine.

Any pointers will be helpful. 

We have a self calling function in the page 

  1. <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ (function ($) { $(function () { $('.myvehicle').change(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('.OL_AddVehicle').slideUp('fast'); EnableSelectVehicleValidators(true); EnableAddVehicleValidators(false); } }); $('#AddVehicle').change(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('.OL_AddVehicle').slideDown('fast'); EnableAddVehicleValidators(true); EnableSelectVehicleValidators(false); } }); function EnableSelectVehicleValidators(enable) { ValidatorEnable($('#<%= ValVehicleItems.ClientID %>').get(0), enable); } function EnableAddVehicleValidators(enable) { ValidatorEnable($('#<%= reqYear.ClientID %>').get(0), enable); ValidatorEnable($('#<%= reqMake.ClientID %>').get(0), enable); ValidatorEnable($('#<%= reqModel.ClientID %>').get(0), enable); } <% if(rptGarageVehicles.Items.Count > 0) {%> EnableAddVehicleValidators(false); <%}else{%> EnableSelectVehicleValidators(false); // THis line gets called when the page loads and getting error validatorenable is not defined. <%}%> }); })(jQuery); //]]>
The function  EnableSelectVehicleValidators(false); is causing the issue. 
