iphone 5 and dialog problem

iphone 5 and dialog problem

hi all,

I have 2 separate problems related to my phonegap app.

1. I created phonegap project from cordova 2.1

when i test in iphone 5 (bigger height device) i see blank spaces on top and bottom. how to fix this ? if it is resizing for ipads why it is not resizing for iphone 5 ? I inspected the nib file, there is no way to resize the view controller ! and autoresizing masks are also not editable !

2. I have a dialog as first page [I chose dialog because i dont have much content]. it appears on top by default. to make it appear in center, i gave a topmargin 30% thoguh that appears centered, it adds a scrolling to the body, how to stop it from scrolling and make the dialog appear in the center ?
