Is it possibe to use {} in jquery?

Is it possibe to use {} in jquery?


Currently i'm are developing something on Joomla and Hikashop.
From Hikashop plugin there is code that i can use to get the product data.
Here is the code i can use in joomla article.


Here is the part for calling the other detail.

jQuery.each(ac, function(index, value) {
                            jQuery.each(value.unmet_quotas, function(subindex, subvalue) {
                                jQuery.each(subvalue, function(subsubindex, subsubvalue){
                                    remaining_quota = subvalue.remaining_quota;
                                    product_id = subvalue.product_id;
                                    quota = subvalue.quota;
                                    console.log('Product ID : ' + product_id +' Quota : ' + quota + ' Remaining Quota : ' + remaining_quota);
                                 var productLink = '{product}' + product_id + '|name|cart|quantityfield|link|pricedis3|pricetax1{/product}';
                                datas += "<tr>";
                                datas += '<td>' + productLink + '</td>' + '<td>' + remaining_quota + '</td>' ;
                                datas += "</tr>";
                        heading += "</tr>";
                        content += heading + datas + "</table>";

How can i use/call the code from Hikashop to be display like this :

var productLink = '{product}' + product_id + '|name|cart|quantityfield|link|pricedis3|pricetax1{/product}';

in the lower code.