is it possible to extend values and variables as you can with elements?

is it possible to extend values and variables as you can with elements?

I'm looking into writing some jQuery extensions.

  1. $.fn.IsTest = function () {
  2.     let result = this.val() === "test";
  3.     return result;
  4. }

  1. $("select").IsTest();

So far I have written extensions for the input element and as you can see I use val() to get the value. but is it possible to write an extension for the value itself or a variable?

  1. $.fn.IsTest = function () {
  2.     let result = this === "test";
  3.     return result;
  4. }

Usage like this:
  1. $("select").val().IsTest();
  2. let v = "test";
  3. v.IsTest();
