Is it possible to just keep the jQuery mobile code for the nav bar?

Is it possible to just keep the jQuery mobile code for the nav bar?

I have an existing mobile site which I am using Phonegap to turn into native apps. My existing html tool bar uses css position: fixed which is not compatible in iOS or Android. Therefore, I would like to use the fixed nav/toolbar out of jQuery mobile. I already have it installed and it looks great :-) The only problem is that the rest of the jQuery script (which is not being used) is affecting passing parameters when I use the search function already built into the site. I know there are ways to turn it off, which I have done but it's still not 100% and also it's a little over my head!

I was wondering if there is a way of just using the CSS and JS for the nav bar and leaving the rest out? As that's the only feature I am using. This was mean the site is back to normal and I can use the jQuery mobile nav bar, which I really want to keep now that I have it installed.