Is it possible to make selectable a sortable ?!
Ok, probably i'm trying to do something not so right ... but i'd like to have my list ( UL / LI structure standard ) selectable AND sortable.
I've tryed executing before selectable and after sortable.... and also te opposite.. ma the list remains only sortable.
Is it NOT possible or simply i'm doing something not well ?
I tryed to log with firebug the start event but it simply doesn't fire
- // Avvio il sortable
// Memorizzo l'ordinamento attuale in un cookie
opacity: 0.6 ,
placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight',
containment: $('#divGenresEnabled'),
update: function (event, element ) {
actualOrder = $(this).sortable("toArray").join();
$.cookie("genresOrder", actualOrder, {expires: 365} );
// Avvio anche il Selectable
start: function(event, ui) {
console.log ('start');