Is there a way to have not only position of object remembered, but if it has been rotated?
Is there a way to make it remember rotation as well as location?
- <!doctype html>
- <html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title></title>
- <style>
- #draggable, #draggable2 {cursor:move; }
- #containment-wrapper {
- width: 1500px;
- height: 2000px;
- border: 2px solid #ccc;}
- .zoomTarget {
- width: 1000px;
- height: 500px;
- border: 2px solid #ccc;
- }
- .object {
- float: right;
- -webkit-transition-duration: .3s;
- -moz-transition-duration: .3s;
- -o-transition-duration: .3s;
- transition-duration: .3s;
- -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform;
- -moz-transition-property: -moz-transform;
- -o-transition-property: -o-transform;
- transition-property: transform;
- }
- .team01 {background-color:orange; }
- .team02 {background-color:red; }
- .team03 {background-color:blue;}
- body {font-family: sans-serif;}
- p {background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.6); color:black;font-size:small;}
- .instructions p {font-size:medium;}
- .instructions {width:700px;}
- </style>
- </head>
- <script src=""></script>
- <script src=""></script>
- <script src=""></script>
- <script>
- var positions = JSON.parse(localStorage.positions || "{}");
- $(function () {
- var d = $("[id=draggable]").attr("id", function (i) {
- return "draggable_" + i
- })
- $.each(positions, function (id, pos) {
- $("#" + id).css(pos)
- })
- d.draggable({
- containment: "#containment-wrapper",
- scroll: false,
- stop: function (event, ui) {
- positions[] = ui.position
- localStorage.positions = JSON.stringify(positions)
- }
- });
- });
- </script>
- <body>
- <div class="instructions">
- <p><strong>ZOOM Controls: </strong>Click on a Suite area to Zoom in, click again (other than on a "movable item") to zoom out.
- Mouse out of area and view will pan (auto-scroll).</p>
- <p><strong>Movable Item: </strong>Click/Drag on an item to move it. Click on it to rotate 90. </p>
- <p><strong>Rememberted Positions: </strong>It will remember the location of the items.
- It stores this info with cookies, and will not be transfered with links to the page to another computer or to another browser.
- It currently does not remember if an item has been rotated or not.</p>
- </div>
- <div id="containment-wrapper">
- <div class="page-body">
- <div style="width: 1000px; height: 500px; background-color: lightgray;">Suite 01</div>
- <div style="width: 1000px; height: 500px; background-color: lightblue;">Suite 02</div>
- <div style="width: 1000px; height: 500px; background-color: lightgray;">Suite 03</div>
- </div>
- <div id="draggable" class="object team01" style="width: 200px; height: 300px;"><p>box 01</p></div>
- <div id="draggable" class="object team02" style="width: 400px; height: 200px;"><p>box 02</p></div>
- <div id="draggable" class="object team03" style="width: 250px; height: 200px;"><p>box 03</p></div>
- <div id="draggable" class="object team03" style="width: 350px; height: 150px;"><p>box 04</p></div>
- </div>
- <script>
- $(".object").draggable();
- $(".object").click(function() {
- //alert($( this ).css( "transform" ));
- if ( $( this ).css( "transform" ) == 'none' ){
- $(this).css("transform","rotate(90deg)");
- } else {
- $(this).css("transform","" );
- }
- });
- </script>
- <script src="js/zoom.js"></script>
- <script>
- document.querySelector( '.page-body' ).addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
-{ element: });
- } );
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>
I have tried various ways, but I can't seem to get it.
- <script>
- var positions = JSON.parse(localStorage.positions || "[{"position"}, {"transform"}]");
- $(function () {
- var d = $("[id=draggable]").attr("id", function (i) {
- return "draggable_" + i
- })
- $.each(positions, function (id, pos) {
- $("#" + id).css(pos)
- })
- d.draggable({
- containment: "#containment-wrapper",
- scroll: false,
- stop: function (event, ui) {
- positions[] = ui.position, ui.transform
- localStorage.positions = JSON.stringify(positions)
- }
- });
- });
- </script>
I've been working on this for days, please help if you can.
Thank you in advance.
Save position of draggable item. @
jakecigar helped for that post