Is there any way to put google sheet data into HTML div?

Is there any way to put google sheet data into HTML div?

I want to combine google sheet with my website. My idea is when I update data in my published google sheet, the HTML div tag with a certain id (the content of divID column in my sheet) will automatically fill in the data to it. For example, So, if I create a div with id="K800",the model number, like <div id="K800"></div>, then it will fill in a <p> with the data into the div, just like this:

<div id="K800">
  <p>Model Number: K800     Product Name: Large Gripper     Manufacturer: Niryear</p>

I'm not familiar with jQuery, but I want to know how to finish the following code to fit my need. I want to put one colume of data to a div each time, instead of display all data at once.


      var googleSpreadsheetID = "GGCdBbgycygSrnCYzjdGuIERcLc";
      var workSheet = "od6"; // First sheet is always "od6"
      var url = "" + googleSpreadsheetID + "/" + workSheet + "/public/values?alt=json";

      $.getJSON(url, function(data){

        //Get all entries from the google sheet
        var entries = data.feed.entry;
        var mySheet = [];

        // alert(entries.length);
        // Store call data into an array
        for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {

          mySheet[i] = { // change animal or other item names
            "field1" : entries[i].gsx$divID.$t,
            "field2" : entries[i].gsx$Model Number.$t,
            "field3" : entries[i].gsx$Product Name.$t,
            "field4" : entries[i].gsx$Manufacturer.$t

//for this part, I don't know what to do to ...         


