[Issue 3778] attribute search with '.' and brackets

[Issue 3778] attribute search with '.' and brackets

The issue reported in tracker no. 3778 is causing difficulties when
using jQuery alongside the Spring MVC framework, as the framework uses
input names such as 'foo.bar[val]' for binding on Java objects. I was
just curious as to whether this ticket item is currently being looked
at as a fix in the next release.
Failing sample test cases are below. They require adding the hidden
input field
<input type="text" style="display:none;" name="test.faa[bear]"
to the test index.html file
    t( "Attribute containing [] and '.'", "input[name='test.faa[bear]']",
["hidden3"] );
    t( "Attribute containing [] and '\\.'", "input[name='test\\.faa
[bear]']", ["hidden3"] );
    t( "Attribute containing [\\] and '\\.'", "input[name='test\\.faa[bear
\\]']", ["hidden3"] );
    t( "Attribute containing \\[] and '\\.'", "input[name='test\\.faa\\
[bear]']", ["hidden3"] );
    t( "Attribute containing \\[\\] and '\\.'", "input[name='test\\.faa\\
[bear\\]']", ["hidden3"] );
    t( "Attribute containing \\[\\] and '.'", "input[name='test.faa\\[bear
\\]']", ["hidden3"] );