Issue facing using plugin populating more than 10k element

Issue facing using plugin populating more than 10k element

Hi All,

We are using JQuery v1.10.1 and plugin for html ui development

Problem Statement : We are having HTML UI with more than 10000 data elements which we need to populate in Drop Down box (combo).  These elements have Option Groups which contain sub multiple options.  
e.g.  Input Data 
<optgroup label="A">
<option value="100>100</option>
<option value="200">200</option>
<optgroup label="B">
<option value="300>300</option>

Issue Observed : We are observing that when we tried to load these elements in drop down it takes considerable amount of time to render in drop down, sometimes pop up comes up asking if you wish to wait or kill. Sometimes it shows the element populated but any action further causes to hang the browser (chrome and firefox).

Below is the code snippet we have implemented to populate the drop down.

                        if ($('').length > 0) {
                            url: ' http://localhost:8080/demo/getdata?',
                                type: 'GET'
                            }).done(function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                                        width: '400px',
                                    filter: true

We observed that multiselect takes considerable time to render the drop down which iterates through the 10k elements. We would like to know is there a better way of rendering the drop down box? Any suggestion will help.
