Issue with enhanceWithin() twice on same #page

Issue with enhanceWithin() twice on same #page

Hey guys, i got some wierd issue going on with jquery mobile + handle bars.
I will try to describe my issues deeply:
im i have a page with alot of divs , each div has his own data-role page and unique id, when my app is loading i use handlebars template engine to load data inside, once the data is is i using $('#mypage').enhanceWithin(); to initialize the componenets inside. now when i first enter a new page for eample #mypage1 and do t all work fine, i switch to other page #mypage2 still all fine, when i back to mypage1 again (dont forget in every page i go i load the new content inside including footer and header) then design breaks. it looks like enhanceWithin(); isnt working for me twise on same page, in additional it also move the footer outside of the data-role="page" container. any ideas?