Issue with event bubbling and jQuery 1.3 live.

Issue with event bubbling and jQuery 1.3 live.

I am having a issue with the live event functionality in jQuery 1.3.
Basically, I have a list with various options in this form:
<li><a href="something">Bla</a></li>
I want to do something when the user clicks on the list item (it has a
rather wide width), and I want to do something else when the user
clicks on the link inside the list item. Since the list is going to be
a dynamic list I need to use live events.
However, when I use live events and click on the <a> tag, the event
for the list item is also fired. I have tried putting return false;
and event.stopPropagation(); into the event function, it doesn't work.
However, when I use the normal bind() function (instead of live()) it
works as intended(expect for it not being a live event which I want).
I am guessing that I am doing something stupid that is preventing it
from working, any help would be apprechiated.