Issues in a Windows Phone WebApp using JQuery & JQuery mobile

Issues in a Windows Phone WebApp using JQuery & JQuery mobile


I have some issues in a webapp for Windows Phone 8.0 (that runs in WP8.0 and WP8.1), the index.html uses:

  1. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/" /> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <script src="js/"></script> 
the source code is here:
( this file contains a folder with html/css/js code, a wp80 webapp for test and a website with code to debug in simulator if needed- this is the version in azure)
and you can see the page in a browser using this url:

1.this problem not happer in ios, android browser...but if you use a WP device open it in IE app and you will see the issues.
2. you can use the WP simulator.

First issue: Header disappear

1. In the main page i click in the button header to open the left panel:

2. the panel is opened and the header is missing

Second issue: The panel not open when i click in the button for it

1. click in next page item in left panel for see the next page content

2. click in header button to try to open the left panel

Why this happen? How can i fixes it?