jCarousel problems

jCarousel problems

Ok, so I have been using a version of jCarousel that works...eh, ok.  It's from 2006, no idea how I found it or its examples, as I know I did so in the last 9 months, but jCarousel's website no longer has versions back that far...or why I'd have gotten a version that old.

Anyway.  Here's what it looks like:

The images were loaded in via javascript (rather than HTML or AJAX), eg. I have this at the top
  1. itemList = [
            {url:"images/img_caseStudies_td-1.png",title:" "},
            {url:"images/img_caseStudies_td-2.png",title:" "},
            {url:"images/img_caseStudies_td-3.png",title:" "},
            {url:"images/img_caseStudies_td-4.png",title:" "},
            {url:"images/img_caseStudies_td-5.png",title:" "}];

And there's an init callback function that turns that into HTML and inserts into the page.

Well.  Now I need a particular feature that didn't come along until later (jcarousel.destroy) and one or two small bugs.  Anyway.

The current examples do not have this kind of loading.  So I've fallen back to the AJAX method.

The documentation and examples do not explain how to get only 1 image to show at a time at the original size (the documentation details for 3 images at once and it doesn't work when I try to make it 1: I don't get my pagination).

Examples and documentation don't indicate how to make it auto-scroll to the next image, how long the delay is, or how to prevent that when the user hovers their mouse over the carousel.

It seems like jCarousel figures out how wide it should be, how many items should be visible, and so on based on the CSS used, based on the documentation.  But it's not explicitly stated and changing the indicated values seems to just break things rather than alter the behavior.

I'm at a loss as to how the current version needs to be set up and I have to finish this entire project by last Tuesday (notably most of the deadlines have been missed because my boss can't make up his mind and keeps changing things, but every time he sees the carousels he bitches that the entire site is broken and leaves the room; I figure if I can fix that some progress might actually be made towards finishing).

This is what I've ended up with, on a test page (so lacking some of the outer navigation and design elements) that is a duplicate of the example AJAX page, but with my own content.  note the lack of pagination (next/previous removed as I don't want those).

Pagination <p> exists, along with the jcarouselPagination() call.  But it evidently decides that it doesn't need it, but I have no idea why.