JQM 1.3.0 Panel -overlay crashes browser on Android 3.2

JQM 1.3.0 Panel -overlay crashes browser on Android 3.2

When data-display is set to overlay, the browser crashes.  When set to push, it is fine.  Could very well be my code since I'm new to JQM.  I'm fine with using push, but I thought I should post this anyway just in case there is a solution.

below is the code.



<div data-role="panel"   id="locpanel" data-display="overlay"  data-theme="c">

<div class="panel-content">


<ul id="loclist" data-scroll= "true" style= "overflow: scroll;data-role="listview" data-autodividers="true"    data-inset="true"  data-filter="false" data-theme="c"></ul>




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