JQM 1.4.1: using 'default' as property name causes syntax error on some platforms

JQM 1.4.1: using 'default' as property name causes syntax error on some platforms

I have found a potential problem in the new code of release 1.4.1
At line 3195, inside $.fn.animationComplete function, the righ side expression contains an identifier named 'default'.
In the same function, al line 3222, the same property is defined but the assignment fails.

I think it happens since 'default' is a reserved keyword of the javascript language, and in some old browsers it may cause a conflict or syntax errore, making an unrecoverable crash of JQM.

I found a very very simple solution: it's enough to change the name of the variable from 'default' to '_default' or something else different from 'default' and everything works ok!

I hope this will be done in the next release since it guarantess more backward compatibility, even in older platforms.
