JQM 1.4 scroll to top on collapsible click bug
Hello everyone,
Trying not to fall behind, I recently started to update my website's JQM library from v1.3.0 to v1.4.0-rc.1
So now I have this bug. When a user clicks on a collapsible widget that is placed inside a panel, the page automatically scrolls to top.
I would also like to mention that I also use ember-1.1.2.js , handlebars-1.0.0.js , jquery-1.10.2.js in case it matters.
Here is some code from the panel:
- <div id="create-machine-panel" class="side-panel" data-role="panel" data-position="right" data-display="overlay">
- <div data-role="header">
- ....
- </div>
- <div data-role="content">
- .
- .
- .
- <label>2. Provider:</label>
- <div id="create-machine-provider" data-role="collapsible" data-iconpos="right" data-collapsed-icon="arrow-d" data-expanded-icon="arrow-u">
- <h2>{{Mist.machineAddController.newMachineProvider.title}}</h2>
- <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">
- {{#each Mist.backendsController.content}}
- <li data-icon="false">
- <a {{action "selectProvider" this target="view"}}>{{this.title}}</a>
- </li>
- {{/each}}
- </ul>
- </div> <!-- collapsible -->
- .
- .
- .
- </div> <!-- content -->
- </div> <!-- panel -->
Please tell me if you have any knowledge on the issue,
Thanks in advance!