jQM Alpha 4

jQM Alpha 4

Hey @ all,

the next question regarding the upgrade from Alpha 3 to Alpha 4.

I have a page flow where you navigate from one page to another through listviews. So it's like a guided selection auf necessery options.

In Alpha 3 it all worked perfektly I just use link tags within the listitems and pass the paramters through the hash.

In Alpha 4 a tap on the listitem is somehow fired double and selekts also an option on the next page. i.e

List one: tap on item 4 => navigation to next list page there is also fired an tap event on item 4 => navigation to next page.

It is somehow fired double and I don't know why. I would understand if it happens after i bind eventhandler on a link tag but that isn't happening.

I think somehow the virtual mouse events trigger the problem.
